Different types of cards
You need cards?
Let’s get you cards.
PCKT provides different kinds of plastic or virtual Mastercard cards for you to issue your customers. We provide you APIs for issuing cards and for transactions. Once the card is being used for payment, we send you a real time authorization so you can accept or decline any payment done with this card. Since all payment card data is tokenized, you don’t have to be PCI DSS compliant.
Choose a card
Credit Cards
MasterCard Credit cards are cards that are invoiced afterwards. Although PCKT provides this service, the credit risk along with interest profits are handled by You.
Debit Cards
Mastercard Debit cards are usually connected to a virtual account which is topped before use. There can be multiple cards attached to the same account.
Prepaid Cards
Mastercard Prepaid cards are topped up before use. The topup can be done via bank payment, Paypal or other method that suites local market. All topups are instant.
Loyalty Cards
Loyalty cards can be Mastercard based or even based on an separate mobile app.
We have done dozens of different loyal customer card solutions in the last 20 years. Please contact us and let’s find the best solution for your business.
We have done dozens of different loyal customer card solutions in the last 20 years. Please contact us and let’s find the best solution for your business.
Benefit Cards
PCKT benefit card can track down purchases done in certain shops leading to bonuses and other benefits to the card holder. Benefit can be a "gold card", certan % cash back to the card or certain gift card once the purchases exceed preset limits. We have 20 years of experience of different bonus systems.
Lunch Card
Lunch cards can be Mastercard cards or just a mobile app for payments. Please contact us for more information.
Welfare Cards
PCKT welfare card can be used for certain merchants or merchants types only. This means that it can be used for example as a tool fot social security services where card can be used in food markets or selected stories only. Also the ATM withdrawals can be prohibited.